5 Pieces Every Marijuana User Should Have

5 Pieces Every Marijuana User Should Have

You don’t need a ton of different options for smoking marijuana (though it’s always nice to have a choice). But you also don’t want to have to rely on the same piece for every marijuana smoke sesh you have. When it comes to smoking, one size does not fit all, and the top-notch bong you have at home is not going to be the right fit for your upcoming backpacking trip.

That’s why you’ll need more than one piece in your life. Below, is a list of five pieces every smoker should have. What does your lineup look like? Do you have all of the essentials, or is it time to hit your favorite online or brick-and-mortar smoke shop?

The travel piece

You’ll have large and small pieces for enjoying your marijuana at home, but portability is key for your travel piece. This is your campground companion, the sleek little piece that you can tote on an overnight trip or carry to a pal’s house with ease. Consider chillums and one-hitters for this role.

Just be sure to abide by laws and regulations while you’re on the go. Never carry marijuana across state lines, and make sure that the hotels and campgrounds that you choose are cannabis-friendly.

The ultimate bong

Not every smoke sesh needs to be a big involved thing. You don’t always need all of the bells and whistles. You don’t always need the ultimate experience.

But, other times, you do.

Even if it’s just a once-in-a-while thing, you ought to treat yourself to a nice brand-name bong with all kinds of elite features. A percolator, an ice catch, and all of the other special add-ons that modern bongs have can really improve your smoking experience.

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The vaporizer

Even if vaporizing isn’t your preferred method for using marijuana, you should have a vaporizer in your lineup. Vaping is easier on your lungs than smoking. In the case of tobacco, vaping has been established as a healthier alternative to smoking. For marijuana, it seems likely that there is at least some measure of health advantages, as well. On top of all of this, vaping is convenient and discreet.

Get yourself a nice brand-name vape like Wulf Vape SX, and add this essential piece to your lineup.

The quick-and-easy

Your quick-and-easy piece is the one you reach for when you’re not looking to spend a lot of time on your smoking ritual. Maybe it’s the same piece that you use on travel, or maybe it’s a vape pen — or maybe it’s a separate piece that you only use for this purpose. Whatever the case, this is the spot in your lineup for a piece that requires very little in the way of prep. A small bowl is a perfect example.

The old reliable

Perhaps it’s the same piece as your quick-and-easy piece or your travel piece. Or maybe it’s just a cousin to one of those pieces — similar in some ways, but not as perfect for the role. Or maybe it’s not particularly effective for any role, because it’s just too cheap, too clumsy, or too ridiculous. But you keep it around anyway. You’re nostalgic, and this piece has been with you for a long time.

You shouldn’t go through life without the nicer pieces, but don’t let anyone tell you that you have to throw out your old favorite to make room for something new. There’s room enough for all of these pieces on your life.

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